Impact Engraving

I'm thankful to have worked with some pretty terrific people over the years.
I have never spent one penny on advertising- not a single one. All of my clients have come to me by word-of-mouth or organically through a web search. I'm thankful to have worked with some pretty terrific people over the years. Most of them are listed below. Click on the selected linked projects below to see screenshots of projects.
- Atlantic Journalism Awards
- Inglis Watercraft
- J.M. Inglis
- Melinda Naugler
- Mining Rocks Video Contest
- Bruce Hubley
- Cathydia Press
- Dr Christopher Bell
- Harold R Thompson
- Salon Eight Sixty
- Ozline Hair Salon
- Athletigen
- Baked Inn Bakery
- B & R Roofing
- Creative Textile Solutions
- GAR Tree Yard
- Impact Ingraving
- Naugler Auto
- Passive Design Solution
- Summit Spa
- Timeless Mind
- Torrrox International Ltd
- Saraj Bakery
- Xerox
- Energy Event
- Energy for Students
- HR on the Go
- Invest Atlantic
- I Write Well
- Jameson Consulting Group
- Let's Be Clear
- Logical Minds Consulting
- New Avenue Leadership
- Tina Barnes Consulting
- Artistic Sole
- Cochrane Family Farm
- Lahave Hydroponics
- Passive Design
- Pumpkin Moon Farm
- Ripsters Halloween Store
- See Meaning
- Susan Stacey
- Halifax Regional Centre for Education / Halifax Regional School Board
- 800 Jobs Lost
- Certification Council of Early Childhood Educators of Nova Scotia
- Chester District School
- Mining Association of Nova Scotia
- Prospect Elementary School
- Save Our Bats
- St Margaret's Bay Elementary
- SMBE Elementary Library
- Webvane
- Mining Rocks
- Not Your Grandfathers Mining
- Renewable Energy Conferrence
- Smart Energy
- Stewards of St Ann's Harbour Association
- Atlantic Pediatric Society
- Cardio Health Show
- Crossroads Family Practice
- Dr Holland Holland
- Duffus Medical Centre
- Maritime Foothold Orthotics
- SMB Massage Therapy
- Southend Physiotherapy
- South Shore in Home Care
- Foxglove Kennel
- Tantallon Veterinary Hospital
(Animal Care)
- Bullrun Trail
- Canadian Mother's Union
- Chelsea W
- Friends of McNabs Island
- Halifax Search & Rescue
- Kentville Farmers Market
- Zombie Trail 5k Run
Real Estate Related
- Cottage Connection
- Halls Haven (BVI)
- Peppermint Properties
- Salvage Design
- Seabright Cottage Rentals
- Triptych Design
- 2017 Canada Games - NS Wrestling
- Colby Sailfish Swim Team
- Sackville Wrestling Club
- Wrestling Nova Scotia