The average person spends a staggering 6+ hours per day online shopping, browsing their social media accounts, researching, playing games, and watching videos!
"Studies show that between 70-80% of people research a company online BEFORE visiting a small business or making a purchase with them." - Blue Corona
Additionally, 30% of consumers will not consider a business if they do not have a website.
The bottom line is - to be competitive in today's marketplace you need to have a website.

There aren't many businesses that can survive without a web presence - it is vital for a startup business.
A well-designed, informative website signals to your potential customers that you are not only trustworthy, but also reliable, knowledgeable, and that you care.

Potential customers can visit you online anytime of day and night, even after your brick-and-mortar business is closed for the day.
There are 3.5 billion searches on Google per day. Someone may be searching for your type of business in your area at this very minute. You can’t be on a result page if you don’t have a website!

A business website is a shop front to the world market showing who you are and what products or services you provide.
You don’t have to sell online, but you should be there regardless because this is where the consumers are. Consumers are researching products and services, comparing prices, and looking at your competitors’ websites.

A website allows you to reach potential consumers that may not have known you existed before because they are on the other side of town or maybe on the other side of the province.
A website opens growth potential and business opportunities.
Consumer behaviour changes to adapt to modern technology. We are in an age of information – if your business doesn’t have an online component you will be left behind.